WW-FAQ > Helpful info to make your trip more enjoyable (7 entries)

What to wear, what kind of whales -- it's all answered here.
  • Most Victoria whale watching companies had an over 80% success rate last season, so I am pretty sure that you will see either orca, gray whales, humpback or minke whales. On ...
  • Success rates for different species shift throughout the year. Southern Resident orca, especially J pod, are sighted reliably from April to November. K and L pod show up in June and ...
  • Whale watching guidelines supported by US and Canadian authorities, top orca researchers and ourselves, members of the whale watching industry, stipulate that operators remain 100 metres (yards) from the whales. These ...
  • A lot . The waters and coastline near Victoria BC are remarkably rich due to cold, clean water and strong tidal currents that keep bio-mass swirling through all layers of the ...
  • Please dress warmly. Please bring a toque, (eh). For 'Zodiac' passeners consider that you will be exposed to the wind chill of 30 miles per hour, plus whatever other wind is ...
  • Great shots aren't easy to get, but impossible if you're not there. Definately! Very often when near wildlife the vessel will be stopped and this is your chance to take ...
  • Most trips are 3 hours long, though in most cases extended charters can be arranged.